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New Changes & Schedule!

Hi Polkadot Families! I'm sure y'all have noticed some recent changes and updates we've been making around the gym and the website. I'm happy to announce that we're nearing the end of our updates journey and I'm so excited to share it with you today!

Firstly, we've had some updates to our contact information! We have a new phone number, (757) 373-8875, and a new email,! I know our phone was out of commission for about a week but we're hooked back up and ready to take your calls during our Gym operating hours (Tuesdays 9a - 4:30p, Thursdays 9a - 4:30p, Saturdays 9a - 2p).

Secondly, we've increased the age max for Preschool Play to 6 years old. We've also adjusted the length of our Toddler Time and Preschool Play classes! They're now 1.5 hours each and this brings us to our third update!

Thirdly, we're happy to announce two brand new classes: Little Movers (0-18mo) and Little Learners (18mo - 2y)! Our new Littles classes are an hour each and designed to get your littles learning through movement and music activities. You can read more about them and book here!

Fourthly, we're bringing back our Drop-Off Open Gym! We'll be hosting this special gym on the 3rd Saturday of every month! Our first Drop-Off Open Gym is on April 23rd from 3pm - 6pm! We only have 10 spots available so pop on over here and book your spot today!

Last but not least, I'm sure you've noticed the change in our cancellation policy. We're hoping this helps reduce the number of no-shows during our sessions to make sure everyone gets a chance to come play with us! We've also updated our general Gym Policies as well. You can check out all the policy updates here!

As always, we're so very grateful to our wonderful families who help make Polkadot Play a success! Feel free to drop us a line if you have any questions or concerns over our recent updates or if you just want to say hello!

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