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​Thank you for booking a Field Trip here at Polkadot Play!



By signing the bottom of this contract you are agreeing to all rules and regulations associated with the Field Trip Events through Polkadot Play


Included with your Field Trip:​

2 hours of the Polkadot Play gym all to yourself!

Tables and chairs for snack time

(Polkadot Play does not provide the snack. Students are required to bring their own food and drinks.)



A Field Trip event is a private rental of the entire Polkadot Play space for yourself and your students. 10 Children are included with the field trip package, with a max of 4 chaperones, in our facility. Additional children may be added with a fee upon request, up to 12 children total.


We understand that everyone would love to come to your event but we kindly ask that you limit adults attending.


  • The cost of the Field Trip event starts at $100.00, Additional add-ons, such as additional children will be reflected in the final invoice. A 50% deposit is due at the time of booking plus a signed contract. Deposits are non-refundable after 72 hours from booking. Deposit and contract are due immediately as we cannot guarantee that the date will be available due to popularity of our events. The remaining balance will be invoiced to your email and is due 14 days before your event date. Failure to pay at the 14-day mark will result in forfeiture of your deposit and Field Trip event. 


  •  Children over the age of 8, as well as adults are not permitted to hang or swing on the climbing structures. They are allowed to assist younger children. Failure to comply with these rules will result in a $100 liability fee.


  • Field Trip time slots are permitted for 2 hours long. You are allotted a 5-minute grace period to exit Polkadot at the end of your time slot in order to keep our classes running on time. Failure to do so will result in a $50.00 overtime charge.​​


  • We encourage you to tour our space upon booking your Field Trip event to ensure it is age-appropriate for your students.


Any extra add-ons need to be made at least 3 days before your event date to ensure Polkadot Play can accommodate the request.


Polkadot Play allows cancellation of a Field Trip Event 14 days prior to the scheduled event with a non-refundable policy of your deposit.


We will allow one (1) reschedule of the Field Trip Event up to 48 hours (2 days) before the scheduled event.

All other cancellations will result in a forfeiture of your total amount. (depending on reasoning.)



Customer Responsibilities:


1.) Submit a signed copy of our House Rules & Photo Release.


2.) All toys and equipment must be returned to their original location before the end of event time. Pictures are posted to best help the children clean up the toys.​


3.) Food and drinks are limited to the front reception area only. If food or drinks are found in the gym area behind the gates, a fee of $75 will be charged. 


4.) If you are running behind for your scheduled event and there has not been any communication, we reserve the right to cancel your event after 15 minutes of no-call no-show. No refunds will be offered in this situation.  ____ Initial


5.) Polkadot Play will provide 2 tables and seating in the front reception area for snack time if requested.


6.) Absolutely no alcohol, drugs, or smoking of any kind (including vaping) on Polkadot Play premises. 


7.) Participating school administration and chaperones are responsible for students. If students and chaperones fail to comply with House Rules damage the facility, or fail to follow the contracted cleanup rules, the attending school will automatically be charged a $100 fee. 



House Rules​​:


1.) A responsible adult needs to be in the playroom at all times supervising the children.​


2.) The playground is designed for children up to age 8 years old.


3.) Children over the age of 8 and adults are not permitted to hang, swing, slide, or jump on the structures. They are allowed to assist younger children. 


4.) Shoes, food, and drinks are not permitted in the playroom.


5.) No Weapons of any kind are permitted on Polkadot Play premises. 


6.) Pushing and aggressive behaviors are prohibited at Polkadot Play. 


7.) Respect for the playroom and everyone at the event is expected. Anyone conducting themselves in a manner that does not reflect our policy will be asked to correct their behavior. If they do not correct their behavior, the entire class will be asked to leave and no refunds will be issued. ​


All damage and other fees will be charged $100 immediately after the event.



Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Release of Liability: 


This Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Release of Liability covers all activities at the Playground.


1. Risk Factor - I understand and acknowledge that the use of the facilities at Polkadot Play involves risks including, but not limited to the following: bodily injury including but not limited to permanent disability, paralysis, and death. These risks may result from a variety of circumstances including the misuse of equipment or facilities.


2. Assumption of Risk - I am choosing to use the facilities at Polkadot Play at my own risk. I understand and acknowledge that the activities which I am or/and (any minor children for which I am the Parent, legal guardian, or otherwise responsible, any heirs personal representative) about to voluntarily engage in as a participant and/or volunteer bears certain know risks and unanticipated risk could result in injury, death, illness or disease, physical or mental, or damage to myself, or too spectators or third-parties. I assume full responsibility for all risks that may arise from using the facilities at The Playground or from participating in activities at Polkadot Play.


3. Acknowledgment of Policies and Procedures - I acknowledge that I have read, know, and agree to all of the policies and procedures relating to the use of the facilities at Polkadot Play. I agree to comply with all rules, regulations, and policies at Polkadot Play. I understand Polkadot Play reserves the right to revoke or terminate my use of the facilities at Polkadot Play for any violation of rules, regulations, or policies.


4. Release, Indemnify, and Defend - I hereby release, waive, discharge, and hold harmless Polkadot Play and all employees past or present from any claims, suits, liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses for any property damage, loss or theft, personal injury or illness, death, or other loss arising from the use of Polkadot Play.


5. Waiver - I hereby waive any protections afforded by any statute or law in any jurisdiction whose purpose and/or effect is to provide that a general release shall not extend to claims, material or otherwise which the person giving the release does not know or suspect to exist at the time of executing the release. I am releasing unknown future claims.


6. Payment for damage - I agree to pay for any and all damages to any property or equipment as a result of my or my family’s willful actions, neglect, or recklessness and agree to be held liable for all such costs associated with such damages.


7. Representatives - I enter into this agreement for myself as well as for my heirs, assigns, and legal representatives.


8. Insurance - I understand that I am solely responsible for any medical, health, or personal injury costs relating to my use of Polkadot Play and its facilities. I understand that I am strongly encouraged to have a medical physical exam and purchase health insurance prior to my use of the facilities at Polkadot Play.


9. Arbitration - All parties to this agreement agree to mediate, in good faith, any dispute prior to initiating arbitration or litigation based on the laws of the state of Virginia. The prevailing party in the event of arbitration or litigation shall be entitled to costs and reasonable attorney fees.


I have read and fully understand this Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Release from Liability and understand that it relates to surrendering and releasing valuable legal rights. I do so freely and voluntarily on behalf of myself and any minor child/children for which I am the parent, legal guardian, or otherwise responsible for guests invited to my Play Your Way class.


Consent and Release on Behalf of Minor & Guests by Parent/Legal Guardian/Responsible Party: 


I am the parent or legal guardian of the above-named minor or the responsible party for my Play My Way class. I have read and understand this Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Release from Liability form and understand that it relates to surrendering valuable legal rights of the minor, myself, and my guests. I agree to be bound by all the terms of the Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Release from Liability. I give my consent for participation at Polkadot Play. 


DISCLAIMER: By typing your name below, you are signing this registration electronically. You agree that your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this registration. The card on file is to assure any damages to our facility will be paid promptly. All contracts are private and will not be shared with anyone or any company other than Polkadot Play.


$100.00 Damage Fee will automatically be charged in the even there is damage to the equipment during your event.

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